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Author of the Month
This month we are featuring author Allison Brennan.
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Allison Brennan believes life is too short to be bored, so she had five children and writes three books a year. Reviewers have called her “a master of suspense” and RT Book Reviews said her books are “mesmerizing” and “complex.” A native of northern California, she moved to Arizona with her family and pets in 2019 and now calls Phoenix home.
Allison has written 45 books and numerous short stories. She has no intention of stopping anytime soon! The fifth book in the Quinn & Costa FBI series, The Missing Witness, is currently available, and See How They Hide will be out in January of 2025. The first book of an all-new Phoenix set series about a family of private investigators, You’ll Never Find Me, is out now.

ESL Classes
New Titles in the Library
Adult Fiction
See How They Hide – Allison Brennan
Holmes is Missing – James Patterson
Water Moon– Samantha Yambao
Presumed Guilty – Scott Turrow
The Note – Alafair Burke
Locked In, Translation– Jussi Alder-Olsen
Echo – Tracy Clark
Young Adult/Junior Fiction
The Loud House, 22 Powered Up
Bad Kitty: Party Animal– Nick Bruel
The Misfits: A Royal Conundrum– Lisa Yee
Portal of Texas History
The Portal of Texas History has started to upload AP Progress newspapers (1935-1945). The following link will take you to the site.
Quote of the Day
"A library card is the start of a lifelong adventure." ~ Lilian Jackson Braun
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